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Persian Numbers

The Persian numbers system is very simple and logical. Here we have shown you how to form all of the numbers.


Here we have shown you how to form the numbers between zero and twenty.

EnglishPersianPersian scriptListen
0 ZeroSefrصفر
1 OneYekیک
2 TwoDoدو
3 ThreeSeسه
4 FourChaar – Chahaarچهار – چار
5 FivePanjپنج
6 SixSheshشش
7 SevenHaftهفت
8 EightHashtهشت
9 NineNohنه
10 TenDahده
11 ElevenYaazdahیازده
12 TwelveDavaazdahدوازده
13 ThirteenSizdahسیزده
14 FourteenChahaardahچهارده – چارده
15 FifteenPaanzdah – Poonzdahپانزده – پونزده
16 SixteenShaanzdah – Shoonzdahشانزده – شونزده
17 SeventeenHeftdah – Hifdahهفده – هیفده
18 EighteenHejdah – Hijdahهجده – هیجده
19 NineteenNoozdahنوزده
20 TwentyBistبيست
Numbers between 0 and 20 in Persian Language


Here we have shown you how to form the numbers between twenty and hundred.

EnglishPersianPersian scriptListen
20 TwentyBistبيست
21 Twenty oneBist o yekبیست و یک
22 Twenty twoBist o doبیست و دو
23 Twenty threeBist o seبیست و سه
24 Twenty fourBist o chaharبیست و چهار
25 Twenty fiveBist o panjبیست و پنج
26 Twenty sixBist o sheshبیست و شش
27 Twenty sevenBist o haftبیست و هفت
28 Twenty eightBist o hashtبیست و هشت
29 Twenty nineBist o nohبیست و نه
30 ThirtySeeسی
40 FortyChehelچهل
50 FiftyPanjaahپنجاه
60 SixtyShastشصت
70 SeventyHaftaadهفتاد
80 EightyHashtaadهشتاد
90 NinetyNavadنود
100 HundredSadصد
Numbers between 20 and 100 in Persian Language


Here we have shown you how to form the numbers between hundred and thousand.

EnglishPersianPersian scriptListen
100 HundredSadصد
101 One hundred and oneSad o yekصد و یک
123 One hundred and twenty threeSad o bist o seصد و بیست و سه
200 Two hundredDevistدویست
222 Two hundred and twenty twoDevist o bist o doدویست و بیست و دو
300 Three hundredSisadسیصد
333 Three hundred and thirty threeSisad o si o seسیصد و سی و سه
400 Four hundredChahaar sadچهارصد
444 Four hundred and forty fourChahaar sad o chehel o chahaarچهارصد و چهل و چهار
500 Five hundredPaansadپانصد
555 Five hundred and fifty fivePaansad o panjah o panjپانصد و پنجاه و پنج
600 Six hundredSheshsadششصد
666 Six hundred and sixty sixSheshsad o shast o sheshششصد و شصت و شش
700 Seven hundredHaftsadهفتصد
777 Seven hundred and seventy sevenHaftsad o haftado haftهفتصد و هفتاد و هفت
800 Eight hundredHashtsadهشتصد
888 Eight hundred and eighty eightHashtsad o hashtado hastهشتصد و هشتاد و هشت
900 Nine hundredNohsadنهصد
999 Nine hundred and ninety nineNohsad o navad o nohنهصد و نود و نه
1000 One thousandHezarهزار
2000 Two thousandDo hezarدو هزار
3000 Three thousandSe hezarسه هزار
Numbers more than 100 in Persian Language


Here we have shown you how to form the numbers between thousand and million.


Here we have shown you how to form the numbers more than 1000000.


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