Vistan Yaylak Village


In hot summer weather, it is not possible to be in areas with cool weather anywhere. One of the best places to escape the summer heat is to go to Bareh Sar, especially the village of Vistan.

Bareh Sar and the village of Vistan are located near Rudbar and Rostamabad in Gilan province. So in order to go to this village, you have to stop in the road. Ask anyone about the Vistan village, they will show you the main location.

The reason for the coolness of Vistan village is that it is located above the sea level.

In the yaylak village of Vistan, there is a lake called Vistan Bareh Sar. There are green trees around this lake, so in the upper view, you can see blue-green color.

One of the best scenes you can see in this village is a rare plant called Susan Chelcheragh.

Susan Chelcheragh Flower
Susan Chelcheragh Flower

There is a waterfall in Vistan Bareh Sar Lake, which is very pleasant to see. The name of this lake is Shadshad. The presence of fog among the trees in this area can create a special scene for capturing images.

There are mountains around this lake where these trees are located and therefore it will be an enclosed area. In addition, there are hills empty of vegetation that can be used as a place to rest.

Vistan Lake
Vistan Lake

The road to Vistan Bareh Sar Lake is a dirt road.

You can buy local food along the way. Examples include local milk, natural honey and so on. You can also use natural fruits such as plums, raspberries and barberry.

Where is the address of Vistan?

To reach the road of this village, it is possible both from Lushan and Damash routes as well as from Tutkabon route.

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