Velayat Hospital in Rasht city


Velayat Hospital in Rasht city is a subspecialty center for burn accidents that provides various services in the field of burns and treatment of burn-related symptoms such as various scars on the skin.

Velayat Hospital
Velayat Hospital

Velayat Hospital is located next to Poursina Hospital.

This hospital is also a public and training hospital for training future doctors.

Para clinical

Laboratory, pharmacy, physiotherapy.


Emergency, Burn Surgery, Oral and Reconstructive Surgery, ICU.

Operating rooms

Repair and burn operating rooms.

Clinic of Velayat Hospital in Rasht

Procedures such as changing the bandage on the jaw and face, pulling the nasal tampon and related splint, pulling the stitches and so on.

What is the telephone number of Velayat hospital?


Where is the address of Velayat hospital?

Namjou St, Rasht city.

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