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Ziarat village


Urban life has its own concerns. Therefore, you need to distance yourself from these worries from time to time and go somewhere to restore your lost peace. This place is the village, but not every village we are considering.

There are a number of villages in Iran that are usually very special in terms of beauty and attract every eye to see. In fact, the village that we introduce in this article will be a village called Ziarat in Golestan province.

Waterfall In The Ziarat Village Of Gorgan
Waterfall in the Ziarat village of Gorgan

Ziarat village is not a remote village, but it is protected by natural attractions. In this village you can enjoy special recreational facilities.

The village has many shops that can always offer you local products. In addition, there are places to spend the night quietly in this village.

In every season of the year, when you visit the Ziarat village, a special coloring will be waiting for you. This rural road, which usually ends in an uphill path, is a winding road, there are many trees on both sides of the road that are located on the mountains and can be seen in various colors in autumn. To reach the end of the Ziarat village, you only need to travel seven kilometers along this route.

Upon entering the village of Ziarat, you may not realize that this is a rural area because the alleys are paved.

Ziarat Village In Golestan Province
Ziarat village in Golestan province

There are three waterfalls in this village and the reason for the coolness of this village compared to the lower areas is the existence of the same waterfalls, namely Khal Darreh, Doghlo and Tal Anbar valleys.

Waterfall In The Ziarat
Waterfall in the Ziarat

One of the most special sights is the presence of places to offer local products. One of these products is local breads that are instantly baked in traditional ovens and delivered to you.

This waterfall is located 8 km south of Gorgan city.

When is the best time to visit this village?

Summer is the best time to visit this village.

Where is the address of Ziarat village?

This village is located about 8 km south of Gorgan city, in the Golestan Province.

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