Kal kebab

Kal Kebab is usually served as one of the delicious appetizers in Gilan province and some northern cities of Iran. You can use this food as a main dish.

Kal Kebab
Kal kebab


Garlic four cloves

A cup of sour pomegranate seeds

Walnuts 300 grams

10 grilled and peeled eggplants

Chuchagh (local vegetable) two tablespoons

Salt and pepper as needed


In the past, the housewife used to light a small fire early in the morning to prepare Kal Kebab so that she could grill the eggplants on it. Housewives do not usually do that today. Eggplants are placed either on the stove flame or in the oven, but eggplants that are placed on the fire taste much better and different.

Rashti Kal Kebab
Rashti Kal kebab

Cooking eggplant

When the eggplants are cooked, they need to be peeled. Then pour the eggplants into a large bowl and mix together.

Add walnuts

Now it’s time to add the walnuts. Finely chop the walnuts and add to the eggplants.

Add pomegranate

Then add the pomegranate seeds to the walnut and eggplant mixture and mash the mixture once more. There is no need to separate the pomegranate seeds because these seeds should be in the Kal Kebab.

Add spices

Now you can use flavorings such as Chuchagh, salt and pepper and add to food.


Now mix them again. Finally, you can put the same Chuchagh or pomegranate seeds on the food and make a small garnish.

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