Sheytan Kuh in Lahijan city


Sheytan Kuh is the name of a mountain in the highest point of Lahijan city in Gilan province, which has lush vegetation.

Sheytan Kuh is a recreational place inside the city of Lahijan that is a combination of mountains, forests and water.

When you are at the top of this relatively high mountain, at a glance you can see Lahijan under your feet. The height of this mountain is about 1550 meters.

Sheytan Kuh In Gilan Province
Sheytan Kuh in Gilan Province

There is a telecabin at the top of Sheytan Kuh. This telecabin explores the space between the two mountains, but being at that height will be very interesting and spectacular.

Telecabin In Sheytan Kuh
Telecabin in Sheytan Kuh

When you look at this mountain, there is a white waterfall flowing in the middle of it, which moves downwards in two directions, like the number eight in Persian. Sculptures can be seen under the waterfall.

From the top of Sheytan Kuh, tea gardens will be seen around Lahijan. These gardens create a lush and beautiful landscape in the picking season, i.e. in spring or summer and even until autumn.

To climb the Sheytan Kuh, if you want to experience a short hike in cool weather, it is better to park your car in the lower part and inside the city and walk this route.

The green roof, which is the highest point of Lahijan, can be accessed from two routes:

  • A footpath leads to the top of the mountain by stairs.
  • The other route will be by car.

To enjoy this route, it is better to walk up the stairs. There are about 750 of these stairs. So if you can climb, use this route.

Sheytan Kuh Stairs
Sheytan Kuh Stairs

There is a swimming pool under Sheytan Kuh. Inside the pool is a spectacular place also known as the pool island, but it is the best place around the pool, which will be one of the most selected routes for athletes because it is easily possible to run with planning based on the area written on this margin.

If you like other hobbies, boating in the pool water is recommended.

One of the most spectacular images is one at the top of the mountain where you can see the pool below and the other in the pool where you can see the majesty of a green mountain in front of you.

In this complex, everyone in the family can be entertained because there are playgrounds for children, various restaurants and pavilions for a family to sit together.

Where is the address of the Sheytan Kuh?

Gilan province, Lahijan city, Persian Gulf Square.

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